Henry Gwani
A community development practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in Africa. His business travels have taken him to some 30 countries in four continents. In 2015, along with his wife, Mampho, Henry co-founded the Africa Capacity Building Council to address the critical need for vocational training at the base of the economic pyramid in Africa. Henry is pursuing a Doctor of Leadership degree, and previously served with the international NGO, Mercy Ships.

Siphokazi Gwani
Our SETA accredited learning facilitator with 12 years of experience in the non-profit sector. She has served with the international NGO, Mercy Ships, and is passionate about developing young people and facilitating learning in life-skills and wellness. Married and blessed with two children, Mampho enjoys networking with people and organizing training events. Before engaging in the social sector, Mampho worked for 15 years with Standard Bank and Diners Club in South Africa.

Dr. Mario Denton
Our business consultant and industrial psychologist who has delivered papers at 32 conferences worldwide. He was the study leader of 160 MBA research projects and has published eleven books. He is the CEO of Strong Message Business Consultancy and teaches people management, leadership, emotional and spiritual intelligence, organizational behavior and change management.

Vukile Gawula
Our lecturer at the Open Door School of Ministry and a pastor at the Langa Baptist Church in Cape Town, South Africa. A graduate of the University of the Western Cape and University of Cape Town, Gawula has 16 years of experience as a high school teacher. He owns a bookstore and stationery supply business, and was chairperson of the local chapter of the Student Christian Movement during his time as a university student.