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Life Skills:

 Accredited with the Sectors Education and Training Authority of South Africa (SETA – 12 Credits. NQF Level 4. US242824) this program is designed to develop soft skills by addressing several personal, relational, and leadership gaps within the African context. We have been providing this training since 2017.

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Carpentry (Upholstery)

In collaboration with local carpenters and other non-profit leaders, we’ve been providing training in upholstery for marginalized youth since 2019.  Integrating this with life skills has helped to deliver a critically needed vocational skill as well as soft skills that facilitate personal development and relational health in a society unsettled by crime, unemployment and other stressors.


Carpentry and Restorative Justice Workshop

(September – October 2020): 17 participants (the majority of whom were formerly incarcerated) were introduced to upholstery and learned the principles of restorative justice. Participants have registered a social enterprise that does re-upholstery projects, coaches formerly incarcerated persons in moral regeneration, and pursues community development projects aimed at formerly incarcerated persons.

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Transformational Development of Formerly Incarcerated Persons

(January – November 2021). This workshop will integrate vocational training with mental health, life skills, and restorative justice for some 30 formerly incarcerated persons and their spouses and children. Workshops will also be provided for mental health professionals, informal care providers, and church leaders.